How We Help

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We began with community dialogue to find a more sustainable way forward for African and Caribbean communities. Ubele’s African Diaspora roots have extended our reach to embrace many other minoritised communities. Our ambition is to support enterprise and asset development and facilitate alliance building on a national scale. We are privileged to have supported the development of thousands of community leaders and organisations and look forward to journeying with our communities in the future.

The Ubele Initiative’s first five-year strategic plan is an important roadmap to deliver key priorities and plans between 2021-2026. Our four strategic aims are ambitious in intent and do justice to the strong foundation that Ubele has already built and our learning from 10 years of community dialogue and practice.

Read ‘Our Strategy 2021-2026: TÓKÀN 10 years


We acknowledge several terms are used to refer to organisations and communities of concern to us. “BAME” (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) has been commonly used to refer to Black and Minoritised communities. Although many people in our community use it out of choice, we also understand its problematic nature.

We recognise the diversity of individual identities and lived experiences, and we accept that BAME is an imperfect term that does not fully capture the racial, cultural, and ethnic identities that experience structural and systematic inequality.

Previously, we have referred to Black and Minoritised communities as BAME communities. We have changed this, we shall be referring to Black and Minoritised people, groups and community led organisations. These are organisations that are made up of the community they exist to support. That includes, at a leadership level. This can and does include people of African, Caribbean, South Asian, East Asian, Latin, Middle Eastern, Eastern European and all mixed heritage that are regarded an ethnic minority in this country.

Whenever possible, we attempt to name individuals as they themselves prefer to be named.

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