BLM 1981 - Community Conversations with Stafford Scott

April 6th, 2023 7PM - 9PM

Online and In Person

Register for this event

To commemorate the Brixton Uprisings of April 1981, Stafford Scott will convene a community conversation about the uprisings of the Eighties. These were not one-off battles. This was War Inna Babylon.

#BLM1981 The next event is Thursday 6th April 

Our Community Conversations continue!

Who is this event for?

This will be a great opportunity for you, if:

  • You’d like to know more about Black British history and heritage.

  • You’d like to understand how Black Lives Matter, which began in the USA, relates to the lives of Black British communities in the UK

  • You’d like to apply, either as an individual or as a group, for £4,000, to re-imagine, creatively, the way in which British society remembers “the most significant date in the history of the black experience in Britain”. More details here.


Did you know that 1981 was “the most significant date in the history of the black experience in Britain”? If not, why not? What happened, during 1981 and why did it happen? Why is British society so silent about 1981 and how can we harness 1981 here and now in 2023?

We are all children of 1981. But we should be 1981’s heirs. We all have parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents who lived through 1981. But we haven’t all inherited the heritage of 1981. Come join us at BLM 1981 and RECLAIM YOUR INHERITANCE!

HOW TO REGISTER for the session with Stafford Scott

This is a hybrid event, you can book online and in person.

Please confirm your attendance by booking a ticket.There will be limited spaces available for events that take place in person.

Enquiries via email to:

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