The final round of the Building Strong Communities Fund will open from 16th January with the deadline for applications 13th March 2023.
£200K is available in microgrants of up to £6k for voluntary and community sector organisations with an annual turnover of £50k or less in their last year's financial accounts. Microgrants will support communities that have been disproportionately impacted by Covid-19 through community-led projects across London.
The Ubele Initiative is holding one-to-one application support sessions to provide guidance to applicants of the Building Strong Communities Fund. Each group will be able to book a 30 min one-to-one session between the hours of 10.00AM - 5.00PM
This session takes place at:
Voluntary Action Islington
200A Pentonville Road
N1 9JP
Please see our events calendar for our other sessions throughout February at different London locations.
To book your place on the application support sessions:
To book your 30 min one-to-one session, please contact
To make the most of the opportunity, please include in your enquiry what you need support with and if possible, attach a copy of your draft application or project proposals.
What is it about?
The Mayor of London is offering funding for London equity-led* grassroots voluntary and community sector organisations to enable Londoners to shape their recovery from COVID-19, through community-led projects.
This is an information session about the Building Strong Communities Fund that has opened for application for its third round.
The session will be an opportunity for potential applicants to learn more about the fund.
Amanda Lamb (Policy & Programmes Officer – Community Funding, Greater London Authority) will join the session and give a short presentation about the fund. Attendees will thereafter be able to ask questions about the fund.
The session will be chaired by Ali Ahmed Programme Manager at The Ubele Initiative.
*GLA’s definition of equity-led = “Organisations where at least 75% of the Trustees and at least 50% of staff members have personal experience of the issues they are tackling, or the communities that their projects are supporting”
About the Fund
The Mayor of London is offering funding for London equity-led voluntary and community sector organisations to enable communities to shape their recovery from COVID-19, through community-led projects that help to meet at least one of the following outcomes:
· Londoners are supported to shape their communities post-COVID-19, e.g., meeting new or pre-existing needs that have emerged or been highlighted by the pandemic, to develop community activities and services.
· Unheard voices are amplified and heard so that communities have influence and control over decisions, e.g., people from communities who are under-represented in decision-making have opportunities to have their voices heard and shape change.
· Feelings of belonging are increased; loneliness and social isolation are decreased.
· Feelings of connection within and across communities are increased, e.g., relationships are strengthened between neighbours and communities.
These outcomes are related to the Building Strong Communities Mission work. You can find out more through this link:
In this final round, the GLA would also like to know if each submitted project is going to address the Cost-of-Living Crisis (COLC).