Flexible Finance Loan & Grant Workshops

May 5th, 2022 6-7pm


Register for this event

The Recovery Loan Fund provides loans to UK charities and social enterprises who have been impacted by Covid 19 and need funds to help them to survive, recover and grow. Learn more about this targeted grant and loan funding for Black and racial minority-owned charities and social enterprises!

- Loans of up to £100k matched with unrestricted grants of up to 100% of the loan value.

- Bespoke business support grants available of c.£7.5k

- Eligibility for the fund is £200k turnover

- Minimum loan size is £50k

4th May 2022: 1pm-2pm on ZOOM Join here

5th May 2022: 6pm-7pm on ZOOM Join here

Email philip.udeh@ubele.org for more information

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