Ubuntu Social Leader Academy - 9th – 15th July

July 9th, 2023 5 Days

5 Days in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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In the Black: The Dutch experience, 9th to Sunday 15th July 2023

Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dates: 9th July – 15th July 2023

Project: The Ubuntu Social Leaders Academy

This 5-day course supports African heritage participants to explore social and political activism in the Netherlands drawing from the experiences of African Diaspora communities from Surinam and the Dutch Caribbean. Learning journeys will take participants into the 'field' to the physical spaces of community-based organisations of social and/or political significance to gain deeper insight into some of the key challenges and achievements of former Dutch colony’s African Caribbean communities living in Amsterdam.

Spaces are limited and will be on first come first served basis with priority given to first time participants on any of Ubele's Erasmus funded programmes. Due to the tight turnaround time, only apply if you are absolutely sure that you can travel between 9th July – 15th July. This project is co-funded by European Commission within Erasmus+ Programme. Application deadline: 23 June 2023

Responder link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSep8ic-OY-WEQ4vTwn-hywg4-zJzIe4IsqHMpdmfJsOlaN6dw/viewform?usp=sf_link

Shortened link: https://tinyurl.com/yhth2cj9

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