Postponed - Untold Stories: Black People and Public Furniture Conversation

May 18th, 2022 6-7:30pm


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Please note that this event is postponed; new date tbc.

As a part of Ubele’s ongoing work with the Greater London Authority (GLA) to promote their Untold Stories grant

The Ubele Initiative will be bringing together a panel of Black Academics and Community activists from across the UK to look at Black figures and themes that could be featured as public art. Join us for a candid conversation exploring the following questions; 

  • Who might these Black figures be and what themes would they be associated with? 

  • Would they be Black figures and themes within British history and or the wider diaspora? 

The aim of the discussion is to think about who, this has often been men, so there is a need to be inclusive in terms of women, and other identities. Elitist and Eurocentric paradigms of history tend to focus on individuals, rather than communities that subjects are part of; therefore how can this be disrupted. 

Come along and have your say!

Panellists include: Dr Michael McMillan, Dr Angelina Osbourne & Patrick Vernon OBE, more Panellists tbc.

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