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Prestige Award for Adhar Project

July 24th, 2023

Prestige Award for the Adhar Project

Adhar Project was one of a team of 12 successful applicants on the BME Enterprise Development Programme started by Yvonne Witter in 2021. We are pleased to celebrate with Rana Rajput their achievement of Prestige Award for Central England mental health NPO 2023. Award for their contribution to the development of mental health services in Leicester.

• Website -

• Contact Rana Rajput

• Main target groups – 18 – 65

The Adhar Project team is dedicated to ensuring the betterment of people's mental health in Leicester. Our team is often growing, meaning that we always can come up with new ways to improve and spread wider awareness of mental health issues, and the support that is available to those who suffer from them. We come from a variety of backgrounds, communities, and faiths, collectively making a strong team that represents the community.

As a team Adhar Project are committed to supporting people with their mental health difficulties, by helping them to understand their individual problems and be able to offer support where needed. Adhar Project empowers people to manage their own mental health difficulties. We aim to achieve this by addressing all factors that are related to the issue and delivering these services in a culturally relevant and personalised way.

Our vision for the future is to build a society where all those who are experiencing mental health difficulties live happy, healthy, and fulfilled lives.

Some of the services provided below are how Adhar aim to do this.

• Therapeutic support using arts, social and cultural activities delivered as individual support and group sessions.

• Advice, information and signposting to additional services.

• Advocating on behalf of individuals and communities on mental health issues, ensuring they understand their rights.

• Educating society on mental health issues, challenging stigma, and encouraging people to seek early intervention.

• How do you create an impact? – BAME Language specialist mental heath support

- We listen to your views and concerns.

- -We help you explore all options and rights that are available to you, at a pace that makes you most comfortable.

- We provide information to help you make informed decisions.

- We help you contact relevant people or organisations or do this on your behalf.

More details here

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