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Creating Resilient Communities - Theory U Training in Berlin, June 2017

June 23rd, 2017

This training was the first of the two learning programmes of ‘Creating Resilient Communities through Social Leadership’ project. It was facilitated by Benjamin Kafka and Simoon Fransen from the organisations Impuls and the Presencing Institute, Berlin. Theory U Training took place from 6th to 9th June 2017 and involved 25 participants from all over the UK.

Objectives of the training were:

1. Introduce participants to Theory U as a methodology, community of practice and set of tools that helps facilitate profound positive change;

2. Support participants in exploring and learning from their initiatives with a 'prototyping' mindset, in order to more effectively work with marginalised/ disadvantaged individuals, groups and communities;

3. Develop leadership skills of participants within participating organisations so that they can better use their listening abilities, and respond to the challenges of our time with whole system awareness;

4. Provide new opportunities for UK based organisations to expand their professional network, pursue learning links with German / Berlin-based learning providers, and explore the potential to collaborate on joint projects in the future.

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