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Graphic Harvesting with European Forum to Build Bridges on FGM

December 1st, 2017

The European Forum to Build Bridges on FGM was held on 28 November 2017 in Brussels by the End FGM EU.

The Forum gave the opportunity to more than 100 actors working to end FGM - including NGOs, IGOs, service providers, practitioners, donors, researchers, experts, lawyers, academics, civil servants, activists, survivors and community representatives worldwide to share experiences, exchange good practices and discuss future trends.

The aim of such Forum was to give a platform to all actors involved in working to end FGM worldwide to explore how to build bridges and strengthen cooperation between different regions of the world, between different sectors and how to foster actions that address various forms of VAWG through a holistic approach.

The Ubele Initiative was represented by Drew Sinclair who spent the day gathering some of the most prominent messages arising from the forum and transformed them into original works of art.

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