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Inspiring Inclusion - #IWD2024

March 7th, 2024

A message from our CEO and Founder, Yvonne Field OBE:

A message from our CEO and Founder, Yvonne Field OBE:

The theme for this year's International Women's Day is ‘Inspire Inclusion’ the focus of which is to ‘encourage everyone to recognize the unique perspectives and contributions of women from all walks of life, including those from marginalized communities’.

I felt inspired when more than seventy Women of Colour came together in the City of London late last month to recognise and celebrate BUD 10th Year Anniversary I had the pleasure of engaging in several conversations with members of this confident, visionary and rather playful intergenerational group of women leaders convened by BUD Founder and CEO Georgina Wilson.

What struck me was that this was not a group of “marginalized women” seeking inclusion. Instead, it was a powerful assembly of Black and Brown women leaders who rightfully claimed their place in communities. They rolled up their sleeves and engaged in the hard work necessary to drive change. Their contributions, though sometimes unseen or overlooked, were honoured and celebrated. It was a beautiful moment of collective recognition and celebration, echoing the powerful poem "Still I Rise."

The presence of younger leaders like Candice, Katrina and Michelle, alongside others like Georgina Wilson, the founder of BUD Leaders, filled me with excitement for the future. I started my journey of activism more than forty- five years ago, and I questioned whether I could ever step back from my role as a leader, but the emergence of this new generation has brought a sense of hope. They are intelligent, passionate, and fearless individuals who are actively shaping her-stories and refusing to be marginalized.

To all remarkable women, including, Afia, Aisha, Anne-Marie, Bayo, Barbara, Christina, Farah, Fatimatu, Farzana, Jamie, Immy, Macey, Nasra, Natalie, Nawal, Nelly, Paulette, Stephanie, Serena, and countless others whose names may not be mentioned explicitly (forgive my forgetfulness), I salute you, our amazing next-generation female leaders. Though my memory may not capture all the names, please know that your contributions are recognized and deeply appreciated. You, the next generation of female leaders of colour, are the hope and future of our communities.

This International Women's Day, we celebrate your invaluable contributions and the significant impact you have made on the world, including my own life. Thank you for your dedication and rejoice in this month that rightfully centres and honours you.

Yvonne Field OBE

Images taken at the recent BUD 10th Year Anniversary

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