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Power to Change celebrated their Summer Party at Wolves Lane Centre

August 7th, 2019

It was lovely to host Power to Change at Wolves Lane Horticultural Centre last week.

“Back to Nature” Summer Party was a fantastic Wolves Lane team achievement! It included creative workshops delivered by Edible London, Black Rootz, Pavement2Catwalk and us, as well as Tobi Akingbolagun’s incredible vegan feast. It was a great opportunity to talk about growing, the local food system and our community projects.

Vidhya Alakeson from Power to Change said: “Wolves Lane Horitculture Centre hosted a superb away day for the Power to Change team. We were inspired by a range of activities hosted by the diverse organisations based at Wolves Lane. These activities took us out of our day jobs and got us using different skills and learning new things. Food played a big part in the day, as is fitting for a horticulture centre that grows food for local people, and we enjoyed a stunning three course vegan meal and a real sense of cameraderie with each other and the Wolves Lane team over lunch. We left the Centre at the end of the day energised in both mind and body and reminded of the important work of community businesses that we are privileged to support.”

Check out some shots from the day!

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