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Stirring up the action!

July 22nd, 2019



Last week, we travelled to Frome, Somerset to take part in the Stir to Action Festival. These unique three days included inspiring conversations, participatory theatre, virtual reality experiences, live podcasts, interactive workshops, idea surgeries, live crowdfunding, sustainable food, craft beer, and live music!

We run one of the workshops, called “Does community innovation really strengthen BME communities?”. Yvonne Field shared a couple of Ubele stories, including the development of the Wolves Lane Centre. She also highlighted the importance of conversations and bringing everyone involved to the table, which is a long term, but very much worth it, process of creating an inclusive space for a diverse community.

The atmopsphere at the Festival was great! The evenings involved live music and late, late cinema. We made a lot of connections and enjoyed every conversation we had. Thank you Stir to Action for having us & we look forward to the next year’s playground for the new economy!

STIR is a quarterly magazine that promotes new economic alternatives, exploring where the social economy, the commons and civic society come together.

During the Festival, Stir to Action launched the BeyondHERE Fellowship. This small grants programme aims to fund individual fellows to undertake place-based research that connects people and places with new economic models and approaches across the UK.

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