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Strengthening the voices of current and new generation leaders from BME communities

December 16th, 2019

Today’s and tomorrow’s leaders need a multitude of skills that equip them to lead their communities and community spaces. Mali Enterprising Leaders (Europe) programme [MEL(E)] offers the opportunity for 212 participants from the UK to visit, exchange experiences and gain knowledge and skills in the company of other leaders and training providers in Greece, the Netherlands, Denmark and France on programmes, lasting between 4 and 7 days.

In parallel there will be 20 individual 12-day ‘fellowship’ opportunities. Host countries will include Germany, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain.

MEL(E) is a 22-month EU-funded programme targeting some of the UK’s most culturally diverse and disadvantaged communities and community spaces, under-represented, with little voice and in need of empowered leaders (and future leaders) able to guide their communities effectively. 

The programme builds on our innovative MEL(UK) initiative by providing additional tools for social change, devising new projects, managing social enterprise finance, with additional learning programmes to build the inclusion and resilience of marginalised communities, including asylum-seekers and refugees.

Our Founder Yvonne Field, says:

‘We are delighted to have designed and secured support for an exciting new programme at this crucial time when many or our communities are facing some of their biggest challenges. We are looking for either experienced or emerging BME leaders from across the UK who want to embark on a journey of capability and capacity building through creative and collaborative learning opportunities.’

The applications will open in early January 2020. Email to express your interest and receive the updates about the application process.

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