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Thank you for attending The Emergency Community Conversation & What's Next?

April 29th, 2020
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We would like to thank you for attending The Emergency Community Conversation on the 27th April 2020. We appreciate your engagement and we hope you had an insightful evening. To help us to better understand who we are engaging with and how we can meet the needs of our communities we kindly request that you please complete this Post Emergency Community Conversation Survey. Your answers will be treated confidentially.

We hope that you will continue to support us with the #WeNeedAnswers campaign moving forward. Please see how you can do this below; 

Sign our petition urging the government to conduct an Independent Public Inquiry into the conditions of disparity that exist for BAME communities in light of COVID-19. 

Contribute to the Majonzi Fund which aims to provide BAME  groups with a small grant towards conducting a memorial for their loved ones once social distancing has eased.

Share our #WeNeedAnswers animation in support of our campaign. The Tweet can be found here

Here are some achievements from last night. We had…

£5.665 has been raised so far our Majonzi Fund 

3,942 signatures have been collected supporting our petition. 

2,100 views of the conversation so far via Youtube

909 Ticket registrations

700 in the live event audience

17 Panelists

11 Campaign Team members

panels on Health, Community and Equalities


The 1st, but definitely not the last virtual conversation about the conditions of disparity for BAME groups, in light of COVID-19

Following the event, we have received an immense response to the campaign, which we will be responding to within the next week.

We are thankful to you for your contribution and we hope this is just the beginning of a very important and revolutionary conversation to improve the quality of life for BAME communities in the UK during COVID-19 and beyond.

To keep up to date with all of our activities please sign up for our newsletter via our website and fill in our post-event survey - we want to hear from you!

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