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We're looking for a Consultant! Help us map and develop our Membership Structure

October 13th, 2020

Ubele is looking for a Consultant!

Help us map and develop our Membership Structure

Why is it needed?

The Ubele Initiative (TUI) was established in 2014 as an African Diaspora led intergenerational social enterprise. The Ubele is a unique social enterprise in that it was built from bottom-up and is intentionally an intergenerational organisation. It has served a range of communities, organisations and groups locally, regionally and nationally with community assets as a driving force for social action, community enterprise and next generation leadership initiatives. 

Over the past few years, we have designed and delivered a wide range of local, regional, national and international initiatives which seek to create and build community wealth. Between  2014 and 2019, Ubele has delivered 16 local and national projects, 14 international projects, 2 campaigns and 34 events. These programmes have reached 3,200 participants, 75% of which have been women and sustained contact with 30% of those individuals going forward. On an international scale, Ubele has worked with 23 countries globally and 23 EU partners whilst having sent 320 participants on international mobilities (training courses). These programmes have reached wide and served a range of community needs from community enterprise, leadership, health & wellbeing, whilst facilitating intergenerational and learning opportunities, to incubating projects enabling others to thrive. Furthermore, during Covid-19 pandemic Ubele has provided a range of emergency support to BAME led community-based organisations (including funding support) and has seen its regional and national work, overall organisational profile and infrastructure grow significantly as a result. 

Our work has made major strides in shaping strategic partnerships, policy and practice in the UK, as well as building knowledge and capacity within communities as well as regionally and nationally. As a next step we want to better understand and potentially formalise our relationships with our emerging network towards a more coherent membership structure. 

What is the consultancy?

We are looking for an experienced consultant to capture and map out our current growing network and support the development of our future membership system. The mapping will include the use of visual imagery and representation (use of maps/ charts etc.) as well as written narrative, so that Ubele can better see and understand its current and potential future local, regional and national community based relationships, connections and sectors.

We are looking for someone who is confident with data collection (quantitative and qualitative) and data analysis, able to see connections and emerging trends, present information which is clearly structured and who knows how to review existing information. The post holder will be expected to design and conduct online interviews with community members and those who have participated in key areas of our work as well as some of our strategic partners. 

The post holder will be familiar with BAME communities in the UK and understand BAME infrastructure and community development well enough to translate it into a mapping project. 

Key information 

  • 12 days over 3 months 

  • £325 per day (plus VAT if applicable)

  • Place of work flexible

Your responsibilities

  • Hold relationship with Ubele staff member (contractor), clarifying needed outcomes

  • Review quantitative and qualitative data, including Ubele documents/information of its existing networks and membership systems

  • Design and conducting the network mapping process 

  • Interview key Ubele programme participants and strategic stakeholders

  • Write a report of 5 to 6 pages A4 max, with an analysis of our current system and with recommendations of appropriate membership models for Ubele

  • Offer a clear roadmap of how to implement/embed the recommended membership models 

We would like to encourage applications of disabled people, Black people/ People of Color/ BAME community members, LGBTIQ* and people without university degrees, who bring the following competencies to apply for this position: 

  • You enjoy thinking about systems and making the invisible visible 

  • You bring clarity to complexity and organic growth

  • You enjoy designing process and research projects 

  • You are well versed in qualitative and quantitative research methodology

  • You enjoy working with people - even the tricky ones :)

  • You know your way around online applications e.g. Google Drive, Survey Monkey, Zoom, Slack etc. 

  • You are excellent at structuring and writing reports (incl. recommendations and process implementations)

What we can offer?

  • Flexible working hours and workplace

  • Great environment to generate work experience and for personal growth

How to apply?

Please share your CV including a reference and a piece of previous work with us that show transferable skills at on Sunday, 1st November  2020, 11:59pm.

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