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We're looking to recruit young leaders (18 - 30 year olds) from BAME communities for our Young Emerging Social Leaders programme

November 29th, 2018


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The Ubele Initiative is looking to recruit young leaders (18 - 30 year olds) from BAME communities for our Young Emerging Social Leaders programme. This programme will provide a safe space for young leaders to explore their role in society as changemakers and how they can make a deep and lasting impact in their communities.

We aim to take a collective of young Emerging Social Leaders on a holistic journey,  to cultivate their leadership and entrepreneurial skills through a series of experiential workshops and training sessions.

You will be exposed to:

·         international travel

·         accredited training courses

·         coaching

·         networking

·         project leadership

You will have to commit 2 days per month and develop your ideas outside the training programme.

The Young Emerging Social Leaders programme is delivered in over a year in units. The first unit will be the Welcomeship programme aimed at helping you to learn the core skills of an effective entrepreneur.

Sounds like something you might be interested in?

Get in touch with Aisha Khan at by Saturday 5th January 2018

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