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WHAT IS INTERGENERATIONAL WORKING – conversations with a young person by Yansie Rolston

January 9th, 2020
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WHAT IS INTERGENERATIONAL WORKING – conversations with a young person

Yansie Rolston

How will we, can we understand what is our true purpose

Our brain is not even yet fully mature

You expect us to fill some really big boots

Can’t you see that we are still seeking, searching, growing


Help us, nurture us, guide us, show us love, care and compassion

Embrace our inquisitiveness, be patient with our naivety

Stop putting us down, stop blaming us,

We are not the cause of all ills in society


Show us respect, that same respect that you demand of us

We are not all thugs, we are not all in gangs

We are not all layabouts, some of us have great plans


Plans to make a positive difference to society

Plans to be the best that we can be

Come speak with me, so you can understand my reality

There is so much wrongs that together you, me, we need to put right


But you too have to take some blame, take a share of the responsibility

Acknowledge that you have flaws, don’t sugar-coating your past,

Admit that at times you messed up too

Allow us freedom of expression, listen and hear our opinion

Don’t you realise when you impose your views on us, t’s a form oppression


We want to spread our wings, we want to emulate your vision

We want to build upon the foundations

We want to continue what the ancestors started


Believe it or not, one day we too will become the Elders

That is a scary thought for someone so young, but that is the truth

Share with us your books, your knowledge, your stories

Walk with us along the way, and guide us when we falter


We know your journey has been tough

Growing up as a child with no mobile phone, no Instagram, no snapchat

It’s hard for us to imagine life like that, Elders you all had it very rough


We salute you for all that you have done and continue to do

An thank you for your inspiration and wisdom

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